Sunday, 19 June 2016

Best Tips for the People Having Low Immunity Level

1. Drink water as much as possible so that your kidneys will be out of danger
2. eat ladyfingure curry often so that you will get blood
3. eat one apple per day atleast it will improve hemoglobin
4. take the leaf curries as your food it contains vitamins in the large quantity
5. take vitamins containing food like fish,mutton,chicken
6. take carrots every day in your food so that your sight of eye will improved
7. try to take the fruits as your food by that your immunity power will be increased
8. drink milk every day 2 times so that the calcium levels will be increased in your body
9. sit atleast half an hour before the sun before 8'o cloack morning then you will get vitamin D
10.take oranges it contains C vitamin so that it will increse the immunity

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