Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Best Tips To Improve Your Eyesight

1. take the carrots every day as a part of your food
2. and also try to take fish every week because it contains vitamin D
3. sit atlest half an hour before the sun you will get vitamin D 
4. vitamin D is not present in your body so get it from the sun
5. take milk every day 2 times it contains vitamin A and also D
6. do eye exercises daily so that your eye capacity will be increased
7. take meat every week so that you will get vitamin D
8. take the egg yolk and also cereals
9. have cheese and butter in your food items
10.take the whole grains and also potato
11.eat green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale,collards
12.take beans,nuts and eggs daily
13.take the citrus fruits like oranges 

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